Few weeks ago I have received a very old NAS. It does not matter if it is such an old device, if only it meets my requirements, and they are simple – just to have a stable local backup solution, best with using Apple Time Machine, and this device provides them.
The point is – the firmware delivered with the product is really old – version 1.2.8 from around year 2010. When I tried to connect using the simplest SMB protocol, it failed – probably due of lack of the SMBv3, I guess. Time to update…
The good thing is, that LaCie delivers the software (from year ~2015) which – according to the documentation – could be used to update from even very old 1.2.3 version. After the installation of the, you can install the newest available version – The bad thing is, that if you follow the official documentation, you will fail the installation and get the bootloop (in that case, that might help you, also look here).
During my trials I have noticed that the .capsule file which contains the update is being stored in the Archive (Archive is a special folder when the files are moved in case of the device failure) under the share\Update folder, not under the admin folder, as it is mentioned in the official documentation.
So, let’s do it this way: put the update in the folder share\Update (yes, case sensitive) and restart the device from the webpanel. In maximum 30 minutes, you will get the new software ready – just refresh the webpage.
PS. This trick is also mentioned on that bulletin board.
PS. A tip for you: if you would like to use the LaCie Network Assistant (available nowadays only for Windows, Mac’s version is too old) and you are wondering why there is no device visible in the software, do two following tricks: install the iTunes (to get the Bonjour protocol) and then restart the computer.